Programs for Men & Women

The focus of the Men’s Group is a combination of anger management, interpersonal skills and challenging belief systems. In the past, the majority of the clients in the Men’s group were Court mandated. Today few are Court mandated, the majority are self referrals.
This group is offered twice per year starting September and again in February.
Please call 780-963-8774 to book your spot.

Phase I Women’s Group
The primary focus of the Phase I Women’s Group is to understand the cycle of abuse.
This group is offered twice per year starting September and again in February.
Please call 780-963-8774 to book your spot.
Women’s Transitions Group
This group is for women who are struggling with anger, managing their emotions and need to improve communication skills.
This group is offered twice per year commencing in October and May.
Please call 780-963-8774 to book your spot.
Phase II Women’s Group
The focus of the Phase II Women’s Group is to understand the past and the affects on the present, includes a full day workshop on sexual abuse. (Must have completed Phase I)
This group is offered once per year commencing in April.
Please call 780-963-8774 to book your spot.